属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 16620-3-1993
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-暴风雪袭击芝加哥 Winter strikes C
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-暴风雪袭击芝加哥 Winter strikes C
1 | 印前校稿:校机后压印的稿样,用来与付印稿样比较,确保完全正确,然后开始印刷。 | Machine revise: A printed sheet after make ready for checking against the customer’s final proof to ensure every thing is correct before printing starts. | |
2 | 印刷技术.间接平版印刷(胶版印刷)用印刷板.布置和印刷.概念 | Printing technology; printing plates for offset printing; make-ready and printing; terms | |
3 | 有人声喊着说,在旷野预备耶和华的路,(或作在旷野有人声喊着说,当预备耶和华的路),在沙漠地修平我们神的道。 | a voice of one crying, Make ready in the waste land the way of the Lord, make level in the lowland a highway for our God. | |
4 | 约兰吩咐说,套车。人就给他套车。以色列王约兰和犹大王亚哈谢各坐自己的车出去迎接耶户,在耶斯列人拿伯的田那里遇见他。 | Then Joram said, Make ready . So they made his carriage ready; and Joram, king of Israel, with Ahaziah, king of Judah, went out in their carriages for the purpose of meeting Jehu; and they came face to face with him at the field of Naboth the Jezreelite. | |
5 | 约瑟见便雅悯和他们同来,就对家宰说,将这些人领到屋里。要宰杀牲畜,预备筵席,因为晌午这些人同我吃饭。 | and when Joseph saw Benjamin, he said to his chief servant, Take these men into my house, and make ready a meal, for they will take food with me in the middle of the day. | |
6 | 在我敌人面前,你为我摆设筵席。你用油膏了我的头,使我的福杯满溢。 | You make ready a table for me in front of my haters: you put oil on my head; my cup is overflowing. | |
7 | 照你们所预备的数目,按着只数都要这样办理。 | Whatever number you make ready , so you are to do for every one. | |
8 | 住在埃及的民哪(民原文作女子),要预备掳去时所用的物件。因为挪弗必成为荒场,且被烧毁,无人居住。 | O daughter living in Egypt, make ready the vessels of a prisoner: for Noph will become a waste, it will be burned up and become unpeopled. | |
9 | 准备的用于准备的;介绍性的 | Serving to make ready or prepare;introductory. | |
10 | 走纸性:纸张在印刷时的畅顺程度。即是在一固定时间内,印出完善印张的数量。这段时间是扣除校机时间和非因纸张故障而引致停机的时间。 | Runnability: Ability of paper to be printed without problems. It is a measure of good print produced over a given time not taking into account the make ready time and any nonpaper down time. | |
11 | 作好准备. | make ready | |
12 | ||1:年轻人,如果想被人听到,请大声喊出来。||2:在以色列古老的港口城市雅法,30位企业家聚集在一座由石头砌成的棚里,他们各自有5分钟时间,向由当今数码时代名人组成的专家组来介绍自己的创业公司,听众中还包括了许多潜在投资者。||3:并不是在场的所有人都准备好闭上自己的嘴,认真听他们演说,因此这些满怀希望的企业家们必须努力应对喧闹的场面。||4:Feng-GUI展示了如何通过模拟人类视觉来帮助广告商和设计师了解网页中最能吸引人们注意的部分。||5:CopyV承诺可以快速而安全地发送大型文件。||6:Fooducate的产品“口袋营养师”可以安装在智能手机中,你可以通过扫描超市中食品的条形码来判断它们是否应该放入购物车。 | ||1:THE young must shout if they want to be heard.||2:In a stone hangar in the old port of Jaffa, 30 entrepreneurs have five minutes each to present their start-up companies to a panel of digital luminaries and an audience that includes potential investors.||3:Not everyone in the room is ready to shut up and listen, so the hopefuls must battle against the din.||4:Feng-GUI explains how, by simulating human vision, it can tell advertisers and designers which areas of a web page are most likely to grab people’s attention.||5:CopyV promises to send large files quickly and securely.||6:With Fooducate, “a dietician in your pocket”, on your smartphone, you can scan bar codes in the supermarket and find out what’s really going into your trolley. | |
13 | ||1:这些都是大致的估算。||2:中国的单位劳动力成本并没有官方统计。||3:我们的估算是基于工业(并不局限于制造业)的增值和城市工厂的工资,这并不包括雇佣逾三分之二中国金属铸造工人的乡镇企业。||4:但是城市工厂可能生产了美国购买的大部分产品。 | ||1:Those estimates are rough and ready.||2:There are no official statistics on China’s unit labour costs.||3:Our calculations are based on the value-added in industry (which extends beyond manufacturing) and the wage bill of urban factories, which does not count the town and village enterprises that employ over two-thirds of China’s metal-bashers.||4:But the urban plants probably churn out a big share of the goodies that America buys. | |
14 | ||1:芝加哥市以坚毅的决心使整个城市即使在这个国家最恶劣的天气下也能保持正常运转,芝加哥人以此为傲。||2:那些能让伦敦或华盛顿瘫痪的暴雪在芝加哥人眼里就像一层薄灰。||3:而今年,一些人还特别希望会出现坏天气,因为这是对新市长拉姆?伊曼纽尔的考验。||4:他必须使这座城市撑过冬天,要不然就要忍受到市民的怒气。 | ||1:Ready, steady, snowTHE city of Chicago is proud of its ability to keep going, with gritty determination, through the worst of the nation’s weather.||2:Snow that would bring London or Washington, DC, to a halt is laughed off as little more than a light dusting.||3:This year some are expecting particularly bad weather, a test for the new mayor, Rahm Emanuel.||4:He must keep the city moving throughout the winter, or face the wrath of the locals. | |
15 | 对于那些觉得在暴风雪中被这个城市抛弃的人来说,让他们觉得安慰的是,很快就可以通过网络知道伊曼纽尔先生的扫雪车的精确位置以及他们正在做什么。这正是“暴风雪指挥部”发出的图像。有了扫雪机,铁锹和智能手机在身边,这座城市准备好迎接暴风雪了。 | More comforting for those feeling abandoned by the city during a storm is that it will soon be possible to see, via the web, exactly where Mr Emanuel’s snowploughs are and what they are doing. This is precisely the view available back in Snow Command. With snowploughs, shovels and smartphones to hand, the city is ready for the stormy blast. | |
16 | 准备就绪 | Shovel ready | |
17 | 看来以至中残局,手中还是一进一;进张情况若不对,做好游泳的准备; | It seems that mess, hands or enter into a situation; if not, make ready for swimming; | |
18 | 立足军队的职能使命,提高抓军事斗争准备的本领 | Basing Ourselves on the Functions of the Army, Further Increase Our Ability to Make Ready for Military Struggle | |
19 | 偏重旅行消费,旅游六要素不完备; | Over-emphasizes trip consumption, not completely make ready the six main factors of travel; | |
20 | 他必指给你们摆设整齐的一间大楼,你们就在那里豫备。 | And he shall shew you a large upper room furnished: there make ready . |